Menu for proper nutrition for one week to lose weight

Thanks to the right nutritional system, you can lose weight and be slim!

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of diets that promise rapid weight loss. Most of them don't work, or they don't work properly, or they don't work for you, or they're really harmful. That is why nutritionists recommend that you undergo a complete examination and get advice before choosing your own diet. However, there is one diet option that will suit almost everyone (with some adjustments, of course). This is proper nutrition.

What is proper nutrition?

First of all, this is a diet that does not require drastic measures. Surely you have heard of such systems where it is recommended to sit only on water for a whole week or to eat exclusively buckwheat or to completely remove carbohydrates from the diet? Such a "one-sided" approach not only does not help in the long run, but also harms health. That is why a proper nutrition system has been developed, which allows you to saturate the body with all the necessary substances and at the same time helps to get rid of extra pounds. It is true that it is not fashionable to talk about proper nutrition as a simple rational approach to food. Therefore, it is increasingly called diet food or PP-diet for weight loss.

It is important to remember: being overweight increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, increases cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Useful products for making up a diet according to the principles of proper nutrition

How it helps you lose weight

The modern rhythm of life dictates its own rules. Eating fast food is simple and convenient, homemade food is replaced by semi-finished products, and industrial sweets promise a quick breakfast. Fortunately, proper nutrition is now in fashion, which dictates a return to the diet embedded in a person literally at the genetic level. Yes, all diets and restrictions (including vegetarianism) are malnutrition. The human body requires a certain amount of BJU and various types of food, including animal protein. You need to reduce not the amount of food, but the level of its caloric content. There is another option: leave the calories, but increase the level of physical activity. For example, start walking regularly at least 3 kilometers a day, do exercises, stop using elevators. Of course, all unhealthy foods in the diet should be replaced with healthy alternatives.

The benefits of proper nutrition for the body

Giving up a harmful diet allows you not only to get rid of bad habits, but also to strengthen your own health. Of course, this will not get rid of chronic diseases, but it will help reduce the frequency of relapses and make the course easier. For example, patients with cholecystitis notice significant improvements in their own condition after adjusting their diet together with a nutritionist. In addition, it is not at all necessary to adhere to diet No. 5 throughout your life: you need to exclude from the diet dishes that provoke relapses and adhere to dietary nutrition according to the PP system.

Vegetables should be present in a healthy menu.

How to replace junk food

For those who do not suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, meals that will replace junk food can be included in the diet. The fact is that our body, without receiving any necessary substances, begins to send signals to the brain about their need. As a result, there is a desire to eat junk food, which, as it seems to our body, will quickly satisfy its need for vitamins and trace elements. True, this will not happen, because fast food contains mostly sugar and flavorings, which give the brain a lot of glucose. The result is a deception of the body and the lack of substances does not disappear anywhere. Take a look at this table to see where it comes from.

We want

He wants the body

A useful alternative

  • fatty dishes,
  • sugary sodas
  • calcium,
  • glucose
  • dairy products,
  • legumes,
  • sesame,
  • nuts,
  • dried fruit,
  • honey

Sweet buns


  • legumes,
  • beans

Milk chocolate


  • Baked potato,
  • sea fish


  • chrome,
  • slow carbohydrates
  • fruits,
  • honey,
  • cereals

salty food

  • Sodium chloride,
  • calcium
  • seaweed,
  • fresh cucumbers,
  • apples

Replacing harmful with useful helps to saturate the body with the substances it needs without any harm.

How it works

Most diets are based on the principles of healthy eating, but some come into direct confrontation with its foundations. The main thing you need to know about PP and dietary nutrition is that it is selected individually, based on the characteristics of the body. Proper nutrition for a perfectly healthy person, for a pregnant / lactating woman or for a diabetic will be different. And that's good. What other principles should be followed when complying with the PP?

  1. Limiting salt intake.It is not excluded from the diet, but they begin to add 1. 5-2 times less. By the way, the taste of dishes from this, by the way, does not deteriorate, on the contrary, it becomes more pronounced, since as a result of long-term use of "unsalted" food, the taste buds are cleaned.

  2. Compliance with the drinking regime.In the morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed, it is recommended to drink at least 200 ml of clean warm water.

  3. Exclusion of overly fried foods.Steam, steam, boil, bake - in short, anything but frying in too much oil.

  4. Exclusion from the diet of foods that do not have the correct balance of BJU.These are semi-finished products, fast food restaurants, industrial chocolate and factory sausages, canned goods, carbonated drinks.

  5. Reduced consumption of fast carbohydrates.They should be replaced with slow ones. The diet should include cereals, whole grain whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta, vegetables.

Replacing unhealthy foods with healthy ones helps you lose weight

It is worth adding to the diet more seasonal fruits and vegetables, polyunsaturated fats, which are found in large quantities in seafood, avocados, seeds and nuts. The volume of animal proteins is calculated according to the formula "1 g of protein per 1 kg of weight". In the first half of the day, carbohydrate dishes should prevail in the diet, and in the second - protein dishes. It is necessary to eat 4-5 times a day, and the maximum period between meals should not exceed 4 hours. Before going to bed, you can eat no later than 3 hours. It is recommended to eat at the same time. Eating too hot dishes should not be, they should be at a comfortable temperature. Chew slowly and carefully: Digestion begins in the mouth when saliva coats the pieces of food, which then allows the stomach to digest it more easily.

We are making the menu

The system of proper nutrition does not imply a strict menu. This is a diet that requires only the right food and compliance with the regime. Each person must independently compose a suitable diet for himself for a week. It will look something like this.





Light breakfast


  • Cheese sandwich / cottage cheese casserole / scrambled eggs,
  • a cup of tea or black coffee
  • Stewed or roasted meat with steamed vegetables;
  • a cup of green tea or freshly squeezed juice
  • Stewed beans or cauliflower,
  • piece of chicken breast
  • tea or a glass of milk
  • a cup of kefir,
  • an apple or other seasonal fruit


  • Salad of fresh vegetables / omelette with mushrooms / scrambled eggs,
  • a cup of tea or black coffee
  • Vegetable puree soup with cheese or mushrooms,
  • piece of cooked meat
  • a cup of tea
  • Boiled or stewed fish with rice or buckwheat,
  • a glass of juice

seasonal fruit


  • Omelet with herbs or scrambled eggs/roasted vegetables,
  • a cup of tea or black coffee
  • Steamed cutlets or boiled chicken breast with stewed or roasted vegetables,
  • a glass of fresh juice
  • Cottage cheese with herbs or roasted vegetables,
  • a glass of juice

Dairy products


  • salad of fresh vegetables,
  • cheese sandwich,
  • a cup of tea or black coffee
  • pasta or rice
  • cooked fish or meat,
  • a cup of tea or juice
  • Cutlets or steamed fish,
  • vegetable salad or roasted broccoli,
  • a cup of milk

seasonal fruit


  • Cereal porridge or casserole,
  • a cup of tea or black coffee
  • Vegetable cream soup: pumpkin, cheese, mushrooms;
  • a cup of tea
  • Stewed vegetables with chicken or turkey meat,
  • juice

Ryazhenka, kefir


  • Baked potatoes with meat or other vegetables,
  • juice
  • Baked fish with boiled rice,
  • salad of fresh vegetables
  • Cottage cheese casserole with berries,
  • Fresh juice

seasonal fruit


  • Lettuce,
  • toast,
  • fruit drink
  • steamed beef,
  • roasted or stewed vegetables,
  • juice or tea
  • Steamed omelette with green beans
  • unsweetened fruit

Protein shake

The diet can and should be adapted to your own goals and capabilities. For example, someone may need to avoid certain foods entirely due to allergies. Diabetics should reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed, and pregnant women should add more animal protein. A healthy diet knows no time limits. It can be applied throughout life: after all, such a principle of nutrition is inherent to us by nature itself. So, if you have chosen PP as a diet for weight loss, you should not return to the usual menu after achieving the desired result. Firstly, such damage will easily return all the lost pounds, and secondly, the body will react extremely negatively to this.

Healthy snacks

If the body persistently demands tasty and fast food, instead of fast food, you can resort to healthy snacks. For example, some companies make protein bars that are highly filling but contain 10 grams of protein and only 140 calories per serving. Ideal for those who are worried about their own figure: you can take a snack with you and use it as a snack. The body will get the necessary dose of protein and will no longer need very fatty junk food. In addition, these bars do not contain preservatives and artificial flavor enhancers, so they are ideal for those who prefer environmentally friendly and safe products.